The Writing Confederation

Computers, anime, and writing – A confederation of topics

First Look: Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneric Ocelot” Alpha 2

First Look: Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneric Ocelot” Alpha 2

See my first Ubuntu 11.10 video post, also by quidsup, a few weeks ago First Look: Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneric Ocelot”.

With the release of 11.10 Alpha 2 quidsup has released another great video, so like last time I will post the video here for everyone to see.

You can also check out quidsup’s other video strictly about features in Ubuntu 11.10.

Just a few thoughts:

It looks like the Unity bar–that thing on the side of the screen that slides out when you move your mouse to the left side–will stay out as long as an application is not invading its space. However, when an application either expands to fullscreen or is placed on the left side of the window–i.e., invading the space of the Unity bar–the Unity bar will retract. This is going to be great as it will allos easier and faster access to the applications running and docked to the Unity bar, thus taking care of one of my complaints about the operating system.

As quidsup says in his YouTube description, there are a few software changes as well as those to the operating system in Alpha 2, including:

  • Firefox updated to version 5
  • Both Computer Janitor and PiTiVi removed, not replaced by any programs as of yet.
  • A program called Deja Dub Backup is now included with the operating system.
  • GDM is replaced with Synaptic Package Manager

Additionally, LibreOffice will either be updated or removed in future versions.

Besides that, since this is only the Alpha 2 release there is not much new in the latest release. Other than some back-end engineering advancements in the operating system, Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 does not feature a whole lot of new user-facing features. However, I’m sure once we start getting to the Beta versions I’m sure there will be some nice new features to check out and use.

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